A downloadable game for Windows

Topoforma is a 2-4 player turn-based strategy game where players compete to try to capture their opponent's base. Players develop and modify the gameboard to fit their needs as they amass and position forces strategically against one another.


Windows Operating System

Current State: 

Development Build with matchmaking done using your steam friends list or over your local network


Latest Build:

Build 14:

- A confirmation dialog now pops up if you are making an attack against an opponent so you can see a summary of your selected units and the target hex and avoid sending your forces in by accident.

- added help text for Barracks

- Pressing the 'Home' button now resets your view to look at the center of the map so you won't be lost forever if you wander away from the gameboard.

- Changed lighting and object appearance so that edges are now the player's color instead of solid black

-bugfix: units with 0 movement were able to attack, no longer are.

Old Builds:

Build 13.3:

- Bugfix: Steam games were limited to 2 players, now properly supports up to 4 players

Build 13.2:

- Added a new button on Selected Hex Panel: Select All Units

Build 13.1:

- Made improvements to combat to better support units with different attack and defense values

Build 13:

New units:

- Geomancer: Allows for terrain modification

- Shaman: Blocks terrain modification, can generate knowledge

- Fighter: A unit with higher attack power

- Guard: A unit with higher defense power

New Concept (Buildings):

- Temple: produces knowledge if its hex is occupied

- Camp: Increases resource production limit and occupancy limit on a developed hex

- House: increases unit occupancy limit

- Barracks: Create Fighters and Guards

New Resource:

- Knowledge: Produced by Temples

Tech Changes:

- Removed old techs and replaced with new ones which require Knowledge for purchase

Gameplay changes:

- Modifying terrain now requires a Geomancer instead of using any nearby unit type.

- Opponent's Terrain modification can be blocked on a hex occupied by a Shaman

- Non-Dirt hexes have a lower limit on unit occupancy

- You can now play with  2-4 players, up from just 2.


- Clicks on UI elements no longer "go-through" the UI and click items in the game.

Build 12:

- Added a pre-game lobby. 

- You can now play again when the game ends without having to close and reopen the game

Build 11:

- Changed resource production of mines to now produce resources based on hex height and number of units on the hex

- Changed combat logic to reward the winning side when battles are very uneven (one side has 3x+ or 6x+ the strength of the other side)

Build 10.3:

- Changed Combat system (again) to increase casualties and reduce steamrolling.

- bugfix: Exit game buttons now work properly

Build 10.2:

- added ability to change the appearance of the tabletop

Build 10.1:

- bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing players from connecting to a game they were invited to from Steam

Build 10:

- Changed Combat system to make it more intuitive

- Changed Banks Tech to make it more beneficial

- Expanded help Menu to give better guidance to new players

- Updated messaging on Connection Panel for better clarity

- bugfix: game over not properly triggering when winning a combat that moves your units onto opponent's starting hex

Build 9:

- Added the option for players to host a game that does not interact with steam. This allows you to play from multiple instances of the game on a single computer.

-bugfix: Selected Object Panel is now properly cleared on turn end when Selected Object is cleared.

Build 8:

- camera can now be rotated with 'A' and 'D' keys and zoomed in and out with mousewheel

- Added turn count

- Height grants a defensive advantage by treating the hex as if it had 1 additional defender

-bugfix: AddHeight button was still enabled when hex was at max height

- bugfix: hexes in fog revealing their actual terrain type

-bugfix: players were able to click opponents invisible base


- new hex model to better show separation between adjacent hexes

- selected hex now shows its height next to its id

- "your turn/their turn" text now changes color to better indicate turn change

- bugfix: base y position now stays in sync with home base hex when increasing height

- bugfix: AddHeight button cost shows correct value when hex is occupied by enemies

-bugfix: enemy base "new unit" button no longer enabled

- resolved an issue that arose if player 1 pressed "end turn" before player 2 connected. Doing so will now prevent the turn from ending


- fix:  changed the starting gold amount

Build 7 changelog:

 -  New tech: Banks 

- Made it more expensive to modify a hex that your opponent occupies

- Replaced Mountain terrain with AddHeight to allow you to increase the height of a hex

- Changed lighting to make both players see a more similar play area

- bugfix: player 2 units showing up briefly on player 1 screen when spawned

Build 6 :

- Added a tech panel with researchable technologies that modify hexes

- Improved combat logic

Build 5:

- Connect to other player using steam friends list

- Added an 'Exit Game' button so you don't have to alt+f4

- Hex UI Buttons enable/disable depending on current state

- Game Over screen appears when one player wins

- A sound plays when your turn starts

Known Issue(s):

- Hosting a game and disconnecting will sometimes make you unable to host a new game.  Workaround: Closing the game and reopening it will allow you to host a new game.


Topoforma14.zip 25 MB
Topoforma13.3.zip 25 MB
Topoforma12.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Install Instructions:

- download the zip file and extract it to any location you'd like

- In Steam: At the top menu go to Games>Add a Non-Steam Game to my Library, then Browse to the extracted folder and select Topoforma.exe

- Press Open and the program will be selected in the steam window

- Press 'Add Selected Programs'

- You can now launch Topoforma from your Steam Library

Play/Connection Instructions:

A. To play online with a friend using steam:

- Launch the game while online in steam

- To host a new game: press "New Game" in the Main Menu, then press "Online", then right click your friend in the Steam friends list and click 'Invite to Join'. When all players have joined the lobby, press Start.

- To join a friend's game: Launch the game and wait for your friend to invite you, then click the 'Join Game' button in the steam message window

B. Alternatively to play on a local network or with two instances of the game on a single computer:

- Launch the game

- To host a new game: press "New Game" in the Main Menu, then press Local.

- To join an existing game: Launch the game on a second device or open a second instance from the same computer. Click 'Join Game' in the Main Menu.

Development log

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